Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Zora Neale Hurston quote response.

1. "Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. That is the life of men. Now, women forget all those things they don’t want to remember, and remember everything they don’t want to forget. The dream is the truth. Then they act and do things accordingly."

Men react to what's around them. They see oppurtunities as they come and go. To take these oppurtunities is to take a risk. These are the ships that contain wishes. Each oppurtunity will bring you somewhere new but only some will take you to your goals. If the ships aren't boarded then they sail on. Their goals cannot be accomplished since they are not willing to take chances.
Women react on their thoughts and what has happened in the past. They have their judgements and react according to those but their judgements are affected by what they sense regardless of fact. Their instinct is their main source of reaction.

2."[Janie] was stretched on her back beneath the pear tree soaking in the alto chant of the visiting bees, the gold of the sun and the panting breath of the breeze when the inaudible voice of it all came to her. She saw a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom; the thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace and the ecstatic shiver of the tree from root to tiniest branch creaming in every blossom and frothing with delight. So this was a marriage! She had been summoned to behold a revelation. Then Janie felt a pain remorseless sweet that left her limp and languid."

Janie feels love and concentrates on it, so that is what she begins to see all around her. Her feelings are directly connected with what she thinks about and senses. These feelings are so strong that other things begin to get blocked out. All of her worries are gone because she is not at a place where she needs to focus on them.

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